LDPE is generally less chemical resistance than HDPE but with greater flexibility for squeezing function. It is relatively more translucent than HDPE.
Product Applications
Bottle cap, Lid, Small blow bottle, houseware
High strength and stress cracking resistance. Low heat resistance. Poor resistance to acid and chemicals.
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HDPE material resin are most commonly used for making bottles.
Products made from HDPE are naturally translucent color.
Color pigment are added to produce color products. Non-glossy.
Product Applications
Bottles / Containers for food products and households, toiletries, pharmaceuticals and personal products, Industrial chemicals or oils
High stress cracking resistance, good impact strength. High resistance to chemicals. Greater heat resistance than LDPE.
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PP made bottles have good chemical resistance and is strong and rigid.
Product Applications
Containers, housewares. Bottles caps and closures
High stress cracking resistance, good impact strength. High resistance to chemicals. Greater heat resistance than LDPE.
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PET bottles / jars are clear and tough with good gas and moisture barrier properties.
It has poor resistance to heat temperature applications.
Product Applications
Plastic bottles / jars
High clarity. Light weight. Smooth finish. Good resistance to chemical. Good barrier to oxygen and carbon dioxide
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Product Applications[HTT1] :
General purpose polystyrene is clear, hard and brittle.
It does not provide good impact resistance.
Product Applications
Containers /Jars
Good moisture barrier for short shelf life products. Excellent clarity. Poor resistance to heat and cold.
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Disclaiming: Above material information provided are for your information and reference ONLY. We are not responsible for any result obtained by the application of this information or the safety and suitability of the product material.